2024 NAFTZ Spring Seminar (May 5-7)

Sunday, May 5, 2024 5:00 PM - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 2:00 PM (PDT)


Hear from Trade experts at this Sunday thru Tuesday event featuring speakers, panelists and specialized sessions relevant to Operator/Users, Grantees, Consultants, and those new to the industry. Topics are adjusted each year in order to address current issues and trends in the FTZ community. Sessions at the seminar include speeches, panel discussions, and thought-provoking Q&A sessions with government officials and industry experts.


Click here to view the AGENDA  AT A GLANCE featuring the latest hot topics to be covered.


Check out 2024 sponsorship opportunities here or contact Victoria Cartwright vcartwright@naftz.org 703-309-6640 for more information about customized branding solutions to align with your goals.

Renaissance Long Beach Hotel (is in the process of rebranding to Marriott Long Beach Downtown). 

PLEASE NOTE:  NAFTZ is aware of a number of unauthorized and frequently fraudulent entities claiming to be associated with NAFTZ and offering to make your hotel reservations at discounted rates.  These solicitations are being made via email and telephone calls to members.  NAFTZ and our host hotel HAVE NO AFFILIATION WITH ANY OUTSIDE OR ANY THIRD-PARTY AGENCY FOR HOTEL BOOKINGS.  The only authorized and official way to make reservations with the Renaissance Long Beach/Marriott Long Beach Downtown hotel is via the information below.  Please do not fall victim to these predators!  Questions?  Please call NAFTZ staff at 202-331-1950.   

In the heart of Downtown Long Beach, the Renaissance Long Beach Hotel (rebranding to Marriott Long Beach Downtown.  (111 E Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90802) is only steps away from dining, attractions and Port Tours.

The NAFTZ room block reservation deadline has passed.  To make reservations at the hotel, contact the hotel directly at Marriott reservations at 1 (888) 236-2427 and reference the National Association of Foreign-Trade Zones (NAFTZ) Spring Seminar.  

For any issues securing the rate or making hotel reservations in general, please contact Victoria Cartwright 703-309-6640 ASAP.


VALUE perspective:

At Spring a specialized track catered just for you is included covering such topics as:
* How Government agencies affect FTZ
* Grantee marketing towards potential users
*Roundtable discussions: engage in the GRANTEE hot topics, resources, and network with FTZ Professionals
Interested in VIRTUAL training now - check out Grantee 202

At Spring a specialized track catered just for you is included covering such topics as:
Running a 3PL Operator FTZ
CBP facilities
Top 10: Zone Compliance Issues
Spotlight on Activation
Navigating the CBP Relationship
*Roundtable discussions: engage in the OPERATOR/USER hot topics, resources, and network with FTZ Professionals

What’s the APPEAL for those new to FTZs?
At Spring a specialized Fundamentals of FTZs track catered just for you is included covering such topics as:
FTZ Overview, Benefits, Participants, Zone Types
FTZ Application &Activation Process
Inventory, Merchandise, Admissions
Merchandise Handling, Transfer Merch.
Periodic Reporting & Regulatory Requirements and Inspections
Want a sneak peak in to the value of FTZs - check out the complimentary webinar on the Secret of FTZs via our on-demand gallery. NAFTZ members enjoy complimentary access to entire on demand webinar gallery. A small fee is offered to non-members.

What’s the APPEAL for ADVANCED FTZ Professionals?
At Spring a specialized track catered just for you is included covering such topics as:
Best practices/ Optimization
ACE Reports
BONUS networking opportunities to continue the FTZ conversation.

Unsure what track to attend?
At Spring you have the flexibility to go in and out of tracks pending your topic interest - allowing you to brush up on basics, advance into the weeds on topics and everything in between.


The NAFTZ Spring Seminar qualifies for CCS/CES/CPE credit.  Receive up to *10 CCS/CES & 11 CPE Credit(s) for attending LIVE (full) event, *subject to NCBFAA & NASBA guidelines.  

Attendance can be applied towards certification or recertification of your Accredited Zones Specialist (AZS) or Certified Zones Specialist (CZS) designation maintenance credits - contact mirmen@naftz.org for more information.



StatusEarly Rate by 4/4/24Rate after 4/5/24

Registrations for Federal Government Agencies involved in the FTZ program, non-profit educational institutions or the Media - contact Victoria Cartwright at vcartwright@naftz.org by April 1, 2024 for registration information and special rates.

All registrants must have NAFTZ membership in their name and fees must be paid prior to the LIVE event - see below for the timeline.

MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNTS: Join NAFTZ in order to qualify for membership discounts. 

*Note by registering you agree to be listed in the event app/follow up attendee roster and remain compliant with the NAFTZ photo/video policy on our website.


All early rate registrations must be paid in full by April 4, 2024 to receive the discounted early rate. If not paid by the deadline, the rate will increase. All registrations must be paid in full at least 2 weeks prior to the event start date.  Any new registrations made during the 2-week window prior to the start of the event must be paid in full at the time of registration.


Registration fees are fully refundable for written cancellations received by NAFTZ by April 4, 2024. Cancellations received by the NAFTZ between April 5 & April 13, 2024 will receive a 50% credit for their registration fee toward a future 2024 NAFTZ Meeting. Cancellations received after April 13, 2024 will be responsible for the full registration fee amount due to the NAFTZ and no meeting credits will be issued.

Renaissance Long Beach
500 Canal Street
New Orleans, LA 70130 United States


PLEASE NOTE:  NAFTZ is aware of a number of unauthorized and frequently fraudulent entities claiming to be associated with NAFTZ and offering to make your hotel reservations at discounted rates.  These solicitations are being made via email and telephone calls to members.  NAFTZ and our host hotel HAVE NO AFFILIATION WITH ANY OUTSIDE OR ANY THIRD-PARTY AGENCY FOR HOTEL BOOKINGS.  The only authorized and official way to make reservations with the Renaissance Long Beach/Marriott Long Beach Downtown hotel is via the information on this webpage.    

Event Contact
Victoria Cartwright
(703) 309-6640
Send Email
Sunday, May 5, 2024 5:00 PM - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 2:00 PM (PDT)

Join for Sunday evening reception and educational sessions on Monday and Tuesday.

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