Webinar: FTZs and Drawback: Can They Work Together?

Thursday, November 21, 2024 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EST)


The NAFTZ FTZs and Drawback: Can They Work Together? Webinar is in response to event attendee Surveys requesting to cover this topic in more detail.   

This session will cover the latest developments and opportunities. This includes:

Review how each work and if they can complement one another

Understanding the overlapping elements of FTZs and Drawback

Provide resources on ideal tools in one's determination of such a relationship 

Featured Speaker(s):  Michael D'Aoust, Watermark Trade & Sheila Milne, KPMG LLP, will highlight key steps to compliance and best practices. A Q&A session will follow the presentation.

Note by registering one agrees to be compliant with NAFTZ Guidelines and if applicable sharing registrant information with confirmed sponsor(s) and be emailed once per sponsor. 

Receive up to 1 CCS/CES credit for attending the LIVE event, subject to NCBFAA Guidelines
The National Association of Foreign-Trade Zones (NAFTZ) is registered with the National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America, Inc. (NCBFAA) as a sponsor for continuing education. NCBFAA has final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for credit. No prerequisites or advance preparations required to attend this webinar and guest must attend the FULL LIVE 60minute event to receive up to 1 CCS/CES Credit subject to NCBFAA guidelines. Requests for credit must be received within 3 weeks of the event.


NAFTZ offered Certified Zone Specialist (CZS) credit eligibility
* Receive 1 Certified Zone Specialist CZS credit eligibility for webinar attendance  
The NAFTZ automatically credits all CZS holders attending the live webinar event with continuing educational credits.

Learn more about AZS and CZS credit eligibility for webinar attendance on their applicable websites



Sheila Milne, Senior Manager, Tax, Trade & Customs, KPMG LLP

Michael D’Aoust is the President and CEO of Watermark Trade.  With 20 years of experience in the trade and customs industry, Michael is dedicated to driving the company’s strategic vision and fostering a culture of excellence.  Throughout his career, he has demonstrated the value and importance of serving clients.  As an experienced project manager and supply chain professional, he has assisted numerous companies operating in a broad range of industries with their FTZ projects. 
Michael possesses extensive expertise in strategic planning, covering the spectrum from the initial setup to the execution and continuous management of distribution and manufacturing zones.
His specialization involves providing comprehensive financial and operational evaluations for companies aiming to operate under zone procedures, FTZ designations, activations, production notifications, the design and mapping of systems interfaces, user acceptance testing (UAT), change management, continual FTZ management, Customs brokerage, Customs and supply chain consultation, penalty mitigation, handling prior disclosures, ensuring compliance monitoring and audits, overseeing CTPAT initiatives, setup and testing of ABI and GTM systems, offering support for importer self-assessment (ISA), delivering training, and managing various other trade-related concerns.
Michael has been a long-term member of the NAFTZ, speaks regularly on various facets of FTZ related matters, and has served on multiple committees.  Michael holds a bachelor’s degree in business finance from Stetson University and a master’s degree in business administration from Florida State University. He is a Licensed Customer Broker (LCB), an NCBFAA Certified Customs Specialist (CCS), Project Management Professional (PMP), and Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP).

Sheila Milne Senior Manager, Trade & Customs, KPMG specializes in the area of U.S. Duty Drawback and has over 20 years’ experience establishing drawback programs for hundreds of clients. She has participated in all aspects of drawback including privilege applications, assessments, filing for refunds, developing internal processes and procedures, protests, destructions, CBP audits and reviews of claims, etc.

Prior to joining KPMG in May 2018, Sheila spent six years leading the U.S. Duty Drawback group at one of the nation’s largest import brokers. She established policy and controls needed to facilitate compliant programs for each client. She also was the point person for transitioning drawback filings into ACE and the TFTEA regulatory integration.

Professional and industry experience

Sheila has assisted many importers and exporters with establishing complex duty drawback programs when their trade activity included entry into foreign trade zones, reconciliation, post entry activity including protests and prior disclosures, free trade agreements (NAFTA), first sale, and new duty assessments such as 301 and 232.

Examples of Sheila’s experience include:

—Managed the full scope of duty drawback for multiple global automotive companies which included 3rd party vendor strategy, multiple drawback claim filing types, separate streams of trade, and including all the various activities that affect import such as reconciliation, first sale, NAFTA, etc.
—Wrote, and obtained approval on complex chemical manufacturing specific rulings that were processed by Customs HQ in Washington D.C.
—Lead and assisted a team of 13 professionals with the management of over 100 drawback clients
—Assisted in workshops, trainings, and strategy sessions to map out drawback scope and identify risks and areas for improvement.
—Actively participate in industry groups specific to drawback and maintain communication with CBP to ensure up to date information affecting U.S. Duty Drawback and general trade.
—Coordinate drawback on products being destroyed under Customs supervision and obtaining proper documentation to support the drawback claims


Federal Government$35

DISCOUNTS: Join NAFTZ in order to qualify for membership discounts.

All individuals must have an NAFTZ membership to receive the NAFTZ member rate, if a substitute is requested, the substitute must have a current NAFTZ membership in order to make such a transfer. If the requested transfer is for a non-member, one would have the option to add an additional membership in order to receive the member rate or pay difference between the paid member and invoiced non-member rate. Attendees registration transfer requests should be sent to vcartwright@naftz.org.


Prior to the webinars, participants will receive an e-mail with directions to secure the call-in number and passcode to be used to access the webinar. Any questions or concerns call 703-309-6640 or email vcartwright@naftz.org.

Virtual Webinar
Event Contact
Victoria Cartwright
(703) 309-6640
Send Email
Thursday, November 21, 2024 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EST)
Eastern Time zone (2:00 - 3:00 PM)
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