FTZ Consulting
FTZ Consulting
Administration/Managed Services Operating Service Provider Software Provider Consultant ICRS Providers
Arcelio V. Gerardo
General Manager, FTZ World Services
Miami: +1.305.481.2467
Email : Arcelio_Gerardo@ftzworld.com
Arcelio is a leading expert on Foreign Trade Zone consulting, administration, compliance, and operations. FTZ World Services owned and operated the Miami Free Zone for 12 years (2005-2017). With more than 40 years of solid experience in Foreign Trade Zones, global logistics, and bonded warehouses, Arcelio is highly regarded by the local and international trade community for his deep knowledge and superior client services regarding the Foreign Trade Zone program.
Arcelio is an active member of the National Association of Foreign Trade Zones (NAFTZ), Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Florida Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association (FCBF), and the Beacon Council. Arcelio is also a Licensed Customhouse Broker (LCB), Certified Customs Specialist (CCS), Certified Zone Specialist (CZS), Accredited Zone Specialist (AZS,) and recipient of a Business Ambassador Award the Office of the Governor of Florida. Arcelio was invited to be part of the Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC) to the FTZ Regulatory Reform Working Group (19 CFR 146).
FTZ Consulting, FTZ Administration, FTZ Compliance, FTZ Software
Membership Type
Service Provider Designated