Kimberly Coyne
Kimberly Coyne
Software Provider ICRS Providers
Kimberly Coyne has worked with Foreign Trade Zones for over 20 years in various capacities throughout her career.
Kimberly began her career with FTZ's as an FTZ Administrator starting a large retail zone. Kimberly then moved into implementing zones for other companies/industries for several years.
In the last 10 years Kimberly has worked with Integration Point and then Thomson Reuters on the FTZ/ABI technology teams. Kimberly has now moved into the Product Manager role for FTZ/ABI at Thomson Reuters.
Kimberly also achieved her Customs' Brokers license which is invaluable when managing the products. Kimberly also makes it a priority to join in the Trade Support Network (TSN) and Partner Government Agency (PGA) working groups whenever possible to ensure FTZ's have a voice at the table when new regulations are implemented..
Membership Type
Service Provider Additional